Gregorian Programmers Guild -- INSTALL.TXT -- Installation and Upgrade Instructions for the dwm package Copyright (C) 1994, Gregorian Programmers Guild, all rights reserved. Published by Gregorian Programmers Guild, 4112 Hotel de Ville Montreal, Quebec, H2W 2H1 Canada (514) 281-6425 *********************************************************** dwm (tm) Copyright (c) 1994, Gregorian Programmers Guild dobs (tm) Copyright (c) 1994, Gregorian Programmers Guild vern (tm) Copyright (c) 1994, Gregorian Programmers Guild blanch (tm) Copyright (c) 1994, Gregorian Programmers Guild *********************************************************** Installation Installation must be done from within the Windows environment. The user must have an installation distribution of the software, that includes the two executable programs SETUP.EXE and PART2.EXE, as well as a number of files that have an underscore (_) as the third character. In Program Manager go to the File menu and select Run. Type in a:\setup.exe (or wherever the distribution files happen to be). Enter the path for the destination directory, by default it will be c:\dwm; you can change this to wherever you want the files installed. Click on the install button, wait several seconds. If you are installing over a previous version of dwm the setup program will ask to restart once you have finished the installation. You can install the program directly onto the older version (see the following section on upgrading for more details). The setup program first verifies that all the necessary system files are installed. It may copy the special dynamic link library file ctl3dv2.dll into your Windows system directory (usually c:\windows\system). This library is used to create 3-dimensional looking dialog boxes and controls, and must be present in the system directory if dwm is to work properly. The second step of the installation is performed by the program part2.exe, which is run automatically by setup.exe during the setup process. During this step, several files (executables, libraries, help and text files, and special dwm startup files) are copied to the destination directory and the PATH in the autoexec.bat file is modified to include the dwm directory. When this is finished you can create a program manager group and/or read the README.TXT file, by clicking on the appropriate button in the setup dialog box (these buttons become active after the installation is complete). Gregorian Programmers Guild INSTALL.TXT Page 1 After you have finished the installation, go the the dwm group in the program manager and double click on the dwm icon. This will launch dwm (which appears on the desktop as a small dark grey desktop object with several concentric squares (similar to an icon) as well as Vern (the light grey virtual desktop control). If you right click on the dwm button a dialog box will open. To make dwm the default shell (normally the shell is Program Manager whose primary function is the launching of applications), open the dialog box as above and click the checkbox labelled 'Make dwm the default shell' ON. Click on the 'Accept' button and close Program Manager to exit Windows. You might want to check the autoexec.bat file to verify that the PATH statement has indeed been updated to include the dwm directory (c:\dwm by default). This is required only if you use dwm as the default Windows shell, which is recommended. Now reboot your computer (Ctrl-Alt-Del) or hit the reset button so the computer will recognize the updated PATH (or do whatever you normally do to update the PATH environment variable). After the computer has rebooted run Windows. You should see a nice clean desktop with the small dwm button and vern (the virtual desktop). If you see the error message 'Cannot find About.dll' and 'Cannot find dwmhook.dll' you have not properly updated your PATH statement. Make sure that the dwm directory is in the PATH (type 'PATH' at the DOS prompt to view your path). If all is well (that is Windows has started and dwm is running as the shell) now would be a good time to click on the desktop (this is any area of the screen which is NOT covered by any other program). If you click the left mouse button on the background (i.e: desktop) you should see a pop-up menu. This is a user configurable menu which contains some stock Windows applications, along with some native dwm functions. If you click the right mouse button (we'll refer to these clicks as left- clicks and right-clicks from now on) you should see the Program Manager menu. This menu contains a series of flyout menus, each of which represents a different program manager group. Clicking on one of the group menus displays a list of items in the group. Click on the dwm group of the pop up program manager menu, and then click on the dobs entry. Dobs will start, and a small button that looks like a stylized hard disk will be stuck to the cursor. Move the cursor to where you want the dob button, and left click with the mouse to stick the dob button onto the desktop. Now click on the desktop to pop up the Program Manager menu and select a group that contains programs you use frequently. A flyout menu will appear listing the items in that group, click on an application -- if you release the mouse button right away that application will be launched, if you hold down the mouse button and drag the file onto the desktop, you can drop it to blanch your application. Make blanches for your favorite applications. Your dwm Windows environment is now basically configured, and you can use all the dwm applications (dwm, dobs, vern and blanch). All the applications have extensive online help that can be accessed through the Windows help system. Gregorian Programmers Guild INSTALL.TXT Page 2 *Note* that making dwm the default shell changes the SHELL= line in the system.ini file so that Windows loads dwm.exe rather than progman.exe when Windows is started. If you have problems, - load c:\windows\system.ini using an ASCII text editor - (like the DOS EDIT program) - change the line shell=c:\dwm\dwm.exe to shell=c:\windows\progman.exe the above instructions assume that you have installed dwm.exe in the directory c:\dwm and that Windows is located in c:\windows. ***************************************************** Files: The way your software is packaged depends somewhat on the way in which it was obtained. Your shareware package must be an installation distribution, containing the 2 executable programs SETUP.EXE and PART2.EXE, as well as a number of files which have an underscore (_) as the third character of the file extension. setup.exe - installation program part2.exe - private executable, used by setup.exe After installation, the following files will be present: dwm.exe - dob window manager dwm.mnu - dwm main menu file vern.exe - virtual desktop environment dobs.exe - file manager blanch.exe - button launcher reswatch.exe - resource graph gpglogo.exe - commercial for us dwmhook.dll - mouse/keyboard hooks for vern and dwm about.dll - general purpose about box dll ctrl3dv2.dll - dll for 3-D look in dialog boxes dwmhep.hlp - help for dwm dobshep.hlp - help for dobs vernhep.hlp - help for vern blanchep.hlp - help for blanch register.hlp - help for registering your shareware package readme.txt - info on dwm package and product support install.txt - this file license.txt - shareware license agreement order.txt - info for registering dwm vendor.txt - info for shareware vendors and distributors bbs.txt - info for BBS administrators order.frm - cheque/money order order form ccorder.frm - credit card order form After you run dwm the following files will also be created, progman.mnu - program manager menu file (dwm directory) dwm.dsk - dwm desktop file (dwm directory) dwm.ini - dwm initialisation file (Windows directory) blanch.ini - blanch initialisation file (Windows directory) The aggregate size of the installed package is about 900 Kbytes. With the exception of the files ctrl3dv2.dll and dwm.ini, all files will be copied into the destination directory specified during the installation. Gregorian Programmers Guild INSTALL.TXT Page 3 Upgrading Registered users will be contacted whenever there are changes or improvements made to any of the dwm applications. Upgrades can be obtained directly from GPG for a modest handling charge, or downloaded electronically from a number of different locations. Registration codes provided by GPG are good for any version of similar generation as the original registration (1.xx, for example); major upgrades will require new codes that registered users can purchase for a small upgrade fee. To upgrade your software to a more recent version, simply run the SETUP program of your new distribution disk (you can run SETUP out of dobs, or a dwm Run... dialog box). Setup will install the upgrade over the old distribution. After the installation is complete you should restart Windows or you may have trouble. The user is given the following cautions for performing upgrades: Do not click on the Create Program Group button. Creating a program group during an upgrade will duplicate icons in the group (i.e. two copies of each icon for each of the executable, help and text files). The duplication of icons, if accidentally performed, is not fatal, but annoying as the user will have to run the Program Manager to delete the unnecessary items. Your old dwm.mnu file will be preserved in the course of upgrading, if one already exists. The default menu file installed during the setup will be renamed as Gregorian Programmers Guild INSTALL.TXT Page 4